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Marye's Genealogy

Marye Thorogood/ Thorowgood Bucke 

Baptized: July 5, 1590: St. Botolph's Without Aldgate, London

Married: December 21, 1608: All Hallows London Wall, London

Died: Spring 1624? Jamestown.

Burial: Unknown.


Husband: Richard Bucke

Born: 1580-1582

From: Wymondham, Norfolk, England

Education: Caius College, Cambridge University

Occupation: Anglican Clergy, Chaplain for the Virginia Company

Died: Spring 1624? Jamestown.

Burial: Unknown.


Daughter: Mara/Mayra (F)

Born: 1611

Name means: Bitter

Described as "very dull in taking her learninge"

Married: 1630

Died: 1654/1655 (age 44/45)


Son: Gershom/Gercian Bucke (M)

Born: 1615

Name means: Stranger in a Strange Land

Died: 1636 (age 21)


Son: Benoni Bucke (M)

Born: 1617

Name means: Son of my Sorrow

Described as" the first "idiot" born in Virginia (Downs Syndrome)

Died: 1638/39 (age 21/22)


Son: Peleg Bucke (M)

Born: 1621

Died: 1639-42 (age 18-21)

Baptism Record, 1590 St. Botolph's Aldgate London
Baptism Record for Marye Thorogood
July 1590
as recorded in the Parish Record for St. Botolph's Aldgate, London
Marriage Record 1608 All Hallows London Wall
Marriage Record of Richard Bucke and Marye Thorowgood December 1608
as recorded in the Parish Record for All Hallows London Wall

Letters written to the Virginia Company by Richard Bucke

Letter written by Richard Bucke from Jamestown May 3, 1621

May 3, 1621

Honorable Sir 

My duty & service in all humble manner remembred I am bold to presume onc[e] more to put you in mind of a letter directed to you from Sir George Yardly the governor of Virginia & the Counsell, who wrot in my behalf to intreat your honorable favor to be a meanes for the procuring of certyn monies due to me from the Company of Virginias more at larg appeareth in their letters which if you have gotten I humble Intreat that it may be conveyed to me, or els some servants at the Companies charg to the value of the sayd mony. ther was allso inclosed on bill of exchang of ten lib [pounds] mad[e] by Mr Ab[r]am Percy to me which if it be not payd I humbli intreat you to deliuer the sayd bill to the bearer herof, ^Mr William Spence^ who will show the sam to Mr Percy& he hath promised to me to procure that tenlib or els to pay it himself vpon the sight of his bill. I besech you worthye Sir benot offended that I presume thus to trouble you I haue no other meanes to procure my debt but by humble sute to yow, who euer wished so well to us in Virginia, & therfor my hope is that you will somwhat compassion at my case, I having a charg of children to provid for, & but one boy to be an helper to me in my buisnes, how precious therfor a few servants would be to me, I leave it to your wise considerations, & so trusting upon your most worthy futur I humbly take my leaue. James City this 3 of May 1621
At your service ever to be Commanded

Richard Bucke

June 22, 1621


Hono[ra]ble S[i]r

your former favours to me have induced me onc onc[sic] more to p[re]sum to be an hu[m]ble sutor to you, about my old petitio[n]. I receyved your letters w[hi]ch gave me much content & comfort th[a]t o[u]r lord had stirred up so worthi an instrument to doe me good, I hu[m]bli thank you for your payns for me, ye lord reward you an inheritanc among ye saynts, after you have rune your race & finished ye good course w[hi]ch o[u]r lord hath appoynted you to fullfill. As touching ye men you mentioned in your letter (w[hi]ch I have sent herinclosed) I receyved none, neyther cam any order to o[u]r governor to deliver any to me, for he is so religious, th[a]t he doth augment & not decrease any meanes of my comfort, yet I hu[m]ble thanke you for your good will to me, & my brethren as yet unprovided of servants. if it please you they can never com to late; for Mr Sands & my selfe have a great hope th[a]t you will be pleased in your ch[r]istian care to be mindfull of us. As touching my other desires to you about th[a]tmony w[hi]ch is due to me by ye Company, Ibesech you to p[ar]don my boldnes, seing ye lord affordeth me no other meanes th[e]n your self to help me herin. I humble therfor crave your favor & what soever you doe herin shall content me. I have solicited ye governor & Counsell to move yeiusnes of my cause to you, who w[i]t[h] great deliberatio[n] searched ye truth of my petitions & now I rest in hop th[a]t I shall eyther get th[a]t mony w[hi]ch is due to me or men to be sent over to me at what reat ye Company shall please. I have no acquayntance about London to solicit my sute to you, let my cause plead for it self, only i hu[m]bli desire you th[a]t you will be pleased to move ye Company in my behalf, & if they agree to pay me my mony, th[a]t you would be pleased to receive it for me, & if they will send men to me th[a]t th[e]m I may have w[i]t[h] ye first conveniency, for ye time of my old servants is now expired & I would be loth to make another vioage, into England for servants if I could upon any reasonable rate be p[ro]vided otherwise. I have sent to you a coppi of ye agrements w[hi]ch ye Company made w[i]t[h] me, but as yet I have had little p[er]formed to me, yet I am content so th[a]t I might have th[a]tmony w[hi]ch I have allredy payd & left in ye hands of ye Company, w[hi]ch, wer it layd out in men, w[i]t[h] ye other monies in p[ro]vision, would be a good estate for me & ye releife of my wife & Chyldren, who all of us are once more humble petitioners to you that you would be pleased to take our cause into your Considereration & I shall be therby the better incouraged to goe forward in the work of the lord, & be allways bond to prayse the lord for you, & I will not cease in my dayly prayers to be mi[n]dfull of you. James City this 22 of June 1621.  

At your service ever to be Commanded in all duty

Rick Bucke.

Letter by Richard Bucke from Jamestown June 22, 1621

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